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We can supply concrete blocks in a selection of standard and medium density units.

Image result for concrete block440 x 215 x 100mm (4 inch)

Suitable for a wide range of internal and external applications above and below ground, including cavity or solid wall constructions, internal loadbearing walls, and in beam and block flooring.

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440 x 215 x 140mm (6 inch) Image result for concrete block 150mm

Can be used in a variety of internal & external applications, including above and below the ground or where strength and durability are prime considerations. Typically used in cavity or solid wall constructions, also ideal for use in internal load bearing walls

Available to order.


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Hollow Dense Concrete Block 7.3N 215mm

Can be used for the construction of high strength retaining walls, for external walls, cavity walls, partition walls and party walls.

Suitable for a wide variety of applications.

Ideal for high strength load-bearing walls

Secure base for fixings

Reduced unit weight for ease of handling

Reduced floor/ foundation loadings

High levels of fire resistance and sound insulation

Available to order.
